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Nutrition Consulting

my mission is to guide people understanding how their physical and emotional digestions are interconnected. The gut-brain connection is a well known concept but understanding how it relates to our daily life may become a complex quest of ups and downs. The path towards healing may require introspection, and guidance through this journey may be highly beneficial. Mindfulness practice, breathing... Read More

my mission is to guide people understanding how their physical and emotional digestions are interconnected. The gut-brain connection is a well known concept but understanding how it relates to our daily life may become a complex quest of ups and downs. The path towards healing may require introspection, and guidance through this journey may be highly beneficial.
Mindfulness practice, breathing techniques, yoga, and time in nature are modalities I use to better understand your unique needs and tailor an action plan suited for you.
I have no interest in offering you a quick fix or recommend a diet that would make you believe that I know better than you what your body and soul truly need.


Janie’s life is all about health! By combining spiritual teachings, intuitive eating, and hormonal-gut balance, she deeply believes in food as medicine for our physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

In 2012 she becomes a certified yoga teacher, and a Holistic Nutrition coach in 2018. She will graduate from Pacific Rim college in August 2024 as a Holistic Nutritionist.

Holistic Health is about creating connections with oneself, others, and nature surrounding and living within us. Health is the choice she made dedicating her life to the inquiring, practice, and teaching of yoga, nutrition, brain function, digestion, and hormonal balance.

'’Looking forward to be part of your Health team and support you along your healing journey’’ - Janie


La vie de Janie est entièrement axée sur la santé ! En combinant enseignements spirituels, alimentation intuitive et équilibre hormonal-intestinal, elle croit profondément que notre alimentation influencent notre santé physique, émotionnelle et spirituelle.

En 2012, elle devient professeur de yoga certifiée et en 2018 coach en nutrition holistique. Elle obtiendra son diplôme du Pacific Rim College en août 2024 en tant que nutritionniste holistique.

La santé holistique consiste à créer des liens avec soi-même, avec les autres et avec la nature qui nous entoure et qui vit en nous.

La santé est le choix qu’elle a fait en consacrant sa vie à la recherche, à la pratique et à l’enseignement du yoga, de la nutrition, des fonctions cérébrales, de la digestion et de l’équilibre hormonal.

« Au plaisir de faire partie de votre équipe de santé et de vous soutenir tout au long de votre parcours de guérison » - Janie

English: Janie’s life is all about health! By combining spiritual teachings, intuitive eating, ... Read More

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